Heading Home ... Maybe ... And Two Important Pieces of Advice
Fingers crossed. My stupid intolerance for codeine (it makes me nauseous) could possibly interfere with going home today. I can tolerate the codeine as long as I take an anti-nausea drug along with it, but the anti-nausea medication interferes with heart rhythms, and so they won’t send that home with me. And I do still need the pain meds. I still have a bit of fluid in my lungs, and as long as I have pain, I’m not breathing fully, and the lung congestion could get worse. So I just took the new painkiller, Tramadol, and if I manage not to get nauseous, I can go home. The one downside is that I can’t take alcohol with it. I was really looking forward to a glass of wine. My first piece of advice is about the painkillers. For reasons that should be clear from the above, I don’t like them. But , after surgery, you really need them. The very odd thing is that the nurses keep asking me IF I want them. In fact, they ask me every 4 or 5 hours if I want the Tylenol ( the correct answe...