I survived!
Surgery was yesterday and boy am I glad that’s over. Totally worth avoiding! Even a mini bypass is kind of a big deal. That said, it’s 24 hours post-op, and I feel pretty good. The chest tube is out and the only thing that’s still troublesome is the incision. I’ll probably be here at UH until Monday, and then a few weeks of taking it easy.
My only complaint about the hospital is that the vegan offerings on the menu are ridiculously scarce. Speaking of diet, that’s what I really want to talk about. It’s been definitively shown that a whole food, plant-based diet will drastically reduce the incidence of coronary artery disease and reverse its effects in people who already have it. So why don’t more people know this? I think there are two primary reasons. One is that our medical complex is much more focused on fixing things than preventing them. The second is that the vegan industry needs a much bigger advertising budget.
Here are my new rules to eat by:
* As many vegetables, whole grains and fruits as I want, except no avocados.
* No oils, nuts or seeds.
That’s it!
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