Salad for Breakfast - Shocking Stuff

Under Chef AJ 's guidance, I've adopted a few strange habits, not the least of which is salad for breakfast. I know this is pretty crazy stuff, because my therapist acted shocked when I told her about it. Not acting shocked - about anything - is a therapist's stock in trade, so like I said, this is big. This is one pound of chopped lettuce and cruciferous vegetables (plus carrots) topped with a couple of mandarin oranges and half a banana with two tablespoons of ground flax seed sprinkled on top. Still to come is my homemade white balsamic-based mustard dressing. I don't think I even told her what to me is the craziest part. This isn't just any salad. This is a one-pound salad. I've been doing this for two weeks, but today is the first time I weighed up one pound of greens and cruciferous vegetables before adding the fruit that makes this all possible. Also, today is the first time in two weeks that it occurred to me to put ground flax seeds in it. Duh. It took ...